National Council

The National Council is the governing body of the Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia and consists of eight members elected to each serve a two-year term.

The National Council consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer as its executive officers with two non-executive positions of Membership Officer and Keeper of the Punches.

The National Council meets at least six times a year to conduct the business of the Guild.

National Council Members and Administrator

President Desma NobleĀ  #44
Vice President Tim Peel #117
Secretary Ian Dun #47
Treasurer Jacqueline Mc Master #196
Membership Officer Bronwyn Pratt #100
Keeper of the Punches Kristin De-Coi #183
Council Members and State Representatives
Barrie Salau #42
Brooke Everett #195
Vick Nakashian #170
Ben Tracy #21(F) (QLD)
Lucas Blacker #33(F)(NSW)
Dean Irvine #203 (NSW)
Venetia Major #201 (ACT)
Administration Secretary
Zoe DeJesus
The Touchplate editor
Christopher Sherwin
Minutes Secretary Zoe DeJesus

Meetings are held at:

GAA House 380-382 Spencer stĀ  West Melbourne

or via Zoom link

Contact National Council

Access Members Register